- From within Quicken select/highlight an account to be updated
- Click Account Action
- Select Edit Details from the Account Action drop down menu
- Within the Account Details page on the General Information tab update the following fields:
- Account Name to reflect the account number S, K, or L, the account suffix, space, the account name (Ex. 199973K02 REGULAR CHECKING).
- Account Number to reflect the account number, S, K, or L, and the account suffix (Ex. 199973S00 PRIME SHARE).
- After the Account Name and Account Number fields have been updated to reflect the correct format, please update the account(s).
- Quicken should automatically connect to Tower and import the transaction
- If an error message is received, verify the error number and error message (screen shot is preferred)
**S designates a savings account and should be used for Prime Share and Club Accounts. K designates a checking account and should be used for Regular Checking, Request Checking, and Money Market Accounts. L designates loan accounts and should be used for all loan suffixes (not including Mastercard®) **