1. From within Quicken select/highlight an account to be updated
  2. Click Account Action
  3. Select Edit Details from the Account Action drop down menu
  4. Within the Account Details page on the General Information tab update the following fields:      
    1. Account Name to reflect the account number S, K, or L, the account suffix, space, the account name (Ex. 199973K02 REGULAR CHECKING).
    2. Account Number to reflect the account number, S, K, or L, and the account suffix (Ex. 199973S00 PRIME SHARE).
  5.  After the Account Name and Account Number fields have been updated to reflect the correct format, please update the account(s).
  6. Quicken should automatically connect to Tower and import the transaction
  7. If an error message is received, verify the error number and error message (screen shot is preferred)

**S designates a savings account and should be used for Prime Share and Club Accounts. K designates a checking account and should be used for Regular Checking, Request Checking, and Money Market Accounts. L designates loan accounts and should be used for all loan suffixes (not including Mastercard®) **