You cannot edit or cancel a payment if it is processing or if it has moved to Recently Processed Payments.
If you cancel a payment, only the selected payment will be canceled, and not any future payments in the payment schedule. To cancel all scheduled payments, go to My Bills & People I Pay, select the payee, then Automatic Payment and click Delete It.
To cancel a payment:
In Home Banking: Login and select Transfer and Pay then Pay Bills from the top navigation menu. Under Scheduled Payments, select the red “x” next to the payment you wish to cancel.
In Tower’s Mobile App: Login and select Pay then Pay Bills, select Scheduled, select the payment and then Cancel Payment.
To modify a payment
In Home Banking: Login and select Transfer and Pay then Pay Bills from the top navigation menu. Under Scheduled Payments, select the pencil icon next to the payment you wish to modify. Select Save Changes when you are finished.
In Tower’s Mobile App: Login and select Pay then Pay Bills, select Scheduled then select the Bill then Edit. Select Done when you are finished.